Support for custom goose_db_version table name

Issue #19 new
Sridhar Venkatakrishnan created an issue

I'm currently trying to using goose to manage database and user creation in addition to per application schema management. As part of this, I have a separate dbconf.yml and migration script for creating a database. The only issue I run into is in cases where there are multiple databases hosted in the same postgres cluster. A more specific example is a development and testing database, with both being hosted on the same cluster.

One option to solve this is to have multiple running clusters, but I'd like see if you'd be open to allowing custom goose_db_version table names. This would allow me to solve the problem I have in a simpler manner.

I've put together a small prototype for this support and it can be found here:

Please let me know if this is something you'd like to have as part of goose. If so I'd be happy to add tests and send you a pull request.

Comments (1)

  1. Liam Staskawicz repo owner

    this seems like a reasonable idea. i hope to be able to take a look this weekend and provide some feedback.

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