Postgres issue with 'relation "goose_db_version" does not exist'

Issue #26 resolved
Former user created an issue

When running a 'goose up' command for a SQL migration with a configured Postgres database, I get the following error:

2014/04/30 11:56:15 error finalizing migration 20140429165615_InitialSchema.sql, quitting. (pq: relation "goose_db_version" does not exist)

I've tracked this down to a problem with the search_path that is available when using the txn object instantiated from calling db.Begin in the migration_sql.go runSQLMigration method. For some reason, at least in my configuration of Postgres, the search_path for this context does not include the public schema. For example, adding this code to the runSQLMigration method:

sPath, err := txn.Query("SHOW search_path;")
if err != nil {
for sPath.Next() {
    var path string
    err := sPath.Scan(&path)
    log.Println("search_path:", path)
    if err != nil {


search_path: {my_schema_from_dbconf.yml}, pg_catalog

Adding similar code to query against the db object returns:

search_path: "$user",public

Since the public schema is optional, I removed it and got another error: permission denied to create "pg_catalog.goose_db_version_id_seq"

I'm kind of new to Postgres, so maybe I just have something configured wrong. Any helpful hints would be appreciated.

Comments (4)

  1. Paul Alexander

    Also, changing instances of the reference to goose_db_version to public.goose_db_version works, but not sure this is the "right thing" since public is optional.

  2. Paul Alexander

    Figured it out! I was using a SQL migration and there was a statement in there that set the search_path that I hadn't seen. Removing this fixes the issue.

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