Failure Running 'goose up' from within Docker Container

Issue #45 new
Fabio Berger created an issue

Hi there,

I am getting the following output when running 'goose up' from within a Docker Container:

goose: migrating db environment 'development', current version: 0, target: 20141216110042 found packages goose_main.go (main) and 20141216110042_CreateRecallTable.go (db) in /tmp/goose426574058 2014/12/17 14:59:10 go run failed: exit status 1

All other goose commands work perfectly well.

How should I be able to debug this error myself? I don't have a file name or line to go by in order to further inspect what might be causing 'go run' to fail in this case.

Any help would be great!

Comments (1)

  1. Fabio Berger reporter

    I figured out the issue. The reason it was failing is because when goose_main.go and the migration file were created in the temp folder, they had different package names, causing the conflict.

    After changing my migration file's package to 'main', it fixed the issue. Was this not avoidable? What about automatically giving the migration files the package name main when copying it into this temporary file?


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