Is it necessary to import sql drivers in lib/goose?

Issue #47 new
Alex Zorin created an issue


I am importing lib/goose in to my applications for the migration functionality, and it ends up pulling all of these drivers.

This is undesirable because:

  1. BInary size
  2. It kills the ability to cross-compile, because the sqlite3 driver uses cgo... ../../liamstask/goose/lib/goose/dialect.go:5:2: C source files not allowed when not using cgo: sqlite3.c[1]

I believe this can be avoided, because sql drivers are not needed for compilation, only for runtime.

In this case, cmd/goose could be the one importing the drivers, leaving lib/goose to be embedded in other applications without pulling in useless drivers with it (fwiw it worked in a fork for me)

That seems to make sense in my head, let me know what you think.

Thanks for your work.


  1. There is a single compile-time dependency on sqlite3 driver here: , but maybe it is possible to get rid of it?

Comments (3)

  1. Marconi Moreto

    I'm having the same problem, would be nice to be able to cross compile. For now I'm building on a remote box.

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