Split package from application

Issue #6 resolved
jason_mcvetta NA created an issue

It would be cool to be able to call Goose as a package from other Go programs. For example I would like to run migrations from within my test suite. It should be fairly easy to separate a library package from the application.

Comments (4)

  1. Liam Staskawicz repo owner

    Just wanted to leave a quick note to say that I agree!

    If anybody has energy to tackle this, I'd be happy to integrate it.

  2. Liam Staskawicz repo owner

    Sorry, yes! Agree this would be useful.

    I haven't had a chance to review as I've been in the middle of getting a house and moving. Hoping to take a look at the several pending issues/merge requests soon.

  3. Liam Staskawicz repo owner

    OK, this is preliminarily implemented as of 02bbe7a. API is still subject to change, but hopefully the broad strokes of the reorganization are in place.

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