Can't finalize migration on postgres

Issue #8 resolved
Vytautas Šaltenis created an issue

Getting this one:

$ goose up
goose: migrating db environment 'development', current version: 0, target: 1
2013/08/19 03:01:39 error finalizing migration 001_initial_tables.sql, quitting. (pq: S:"ERROR" C:"42804" M:"column \"is_applied\" is of type boolean but expression is of type integer" H:"You will need to rewrite or cast the expression." P:"66" F:"parse_target.c" L:"490" R:"transformAssignedExpr")

A quick search suggests it might be version-specific, I'm using 9.1.9.

Comments (3)

  1. Vytautas Šaltenis reporter

    I must have had a dirty dir or broken build, can't repro with clean latest source. Closing.

  2. Liam Staskawicz repo owner

    Awesome :)

    Would be interesting to know which changes in lib/pq were responsible for this (assuming that was the resolution), but great to know it works for now at least.

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