Enable custom migrations directory

#9 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

Because it's a million years old and completely out of date.

Closed by: ·2015-02-20



development: driver: postgres open: driver-params migrations: migrations-postgres

I've used gospec to implement the tests. I have keep commits for the implementation separate from commits creating specifications. If you don't like where gospec is heading I'll go back and rewrite the specs using native gotest style.

Reasons for doing this

I want to write a test suite for the backend specific SQL with the filesystem tree resembling this.

test ├── dbconf.example.yml ├── dbconf.yml ├── migrations-mymysql │   └── 1_testTable.sql └── migrations-postgres └── 1_testTable.sql


testing-mymysql: driver: mymysql open: goose-testing/ghthor/somethingsecret migrations: migrations-mymysql testing-postgres: driver: postgres open: user=ghthor dbname=goose-testing sslmode=disable migrations: migrations-postgres

To implement the above I needed to customize the migrations directory to segment mysql from postgres syntax.

I also would like your

Edit: I hit tab+enter when trying to indent the code block, whoops ~_~

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