Missing includes in archive

Issue #44 resolved
Remi created an issue

The following files are in src folder, but not in the archive from download (2.1.0-preview.tar.xz)

  • gd_color.h
  • gd_nnquant.h
  • gd_intern.h

Comments (8)

  1. Remi reporter

    Quick diff between the 2 src folder

    missing bmp.h
    missing gd_color.h
    missing gd_errors.h
    missing gd_intern.h
    missing gd_io_stream.h
    missing gd_nnquant.h
    missing gdpp.h
    missing gd_tga.h
    missing webpimg.h
    missing gd_bmp.c
    missing gd_tga.c
  2. Pierre Joye

    oh my bad, thanks for testing.

    Adding make distcheck to the release todo.

    Also gd_errors.h should be there already, it is part of include_HEADERS.

    But I got another build issue now with annotate.c, not present earlier:

    /home/pierre/repo/gd-libgd/gd-2.1.0/_build/src/../../src/annotate.c:158: undefined reference to `gdImageStringFT'
    /home/pierre/repo/gd-libgd/gd-2.1.0/_build/src/../../src/annotate.c:173: undefined reference to `gdImageStringFT'

    .. wondering what is now broken in the script to make it fails.

  3. Pierre Joye

    and it is present:

    pierre@debian:~/repo/gd-libgd$ nm src/.libs/libgd.so| grep -i gdImageStringFT
    0001d210 t gdImageStringFT
    00010a20 T gdImageStringFTCircle
    0001bab0 t gdImageStringFTEx
    gdImageStringFT and gdImageStringFTEx are local, (t instead of T) that's wrong.

    as well as in gd.h, obviously.

  4. Pierre Joye

    Ondrej, something goes wrong with BGD_DECLARE, for some reasons not all symbols are not public T but local t, like gdImageStringFT. Can you take a look please?

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