Resizing images with light shadows or reflex and GD version

Issue #124 new
gulptwins created an issue

Hello, I report an issue by using GD on different PHP releases:

with php 5.4.9 (GD 2.0.34) it works fine with php 5.5.9 (GD 2.1.0) the resized/resampled images lose many details if the image has very light shadows or reflections

I attach the example of what it happens by resizing the original image with php 5.5.9 (then GD 2.1.0), conversely with 5.4.9 everything is fine,

The code is the same and uses zentools library.

Comments (2)

  1. Pierre Joye

    What are the original picture(s) and the resulting image(s)?

    Also which function do you use to resize them?

    Maybe a simple PHP script to reproduce may help.

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