QxtGlobalShortcut keyboard key pressed not typing its letter

Issue #90 new
Cochleas Devel created an issue

Hi everyone,

I have a small problem here with the QxtGlobalShortcut. I am trying to create something similar to a keylogger, but without keeping history or logging in general. I have successfully compiled the libqxt library and also included in my project. So for example I have set a global shortcut so when the keyboard key "a" is pressed to produce a sound. The Qt signal is working successfully, but if I open a text editor or a web page or sth to write inside, the keyboard writes anything except from the "shortcut" key. For example keyboard is written as "keybord". "a" is missing because the minimized app (although it doesn't have the focus) does not allow the "a" to be used in other software.

Any idea????

Thanks, Cochleas

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