libQxt should add an entry in the pkg-config catalog

Issue #18 wontfix
Former user created an issue


My proposal is that, at install, the library add an entry in the pkg-config catalog with the include/ and lib/ directories, in order for one to be able to properly link other pieces of code to it. Right now, as far as I can see, the only way to link is to know the installation path beforehand, which is not too portable.

Comments (4)

  1. Coda Highland

    Qxt has qmake integration, which does keep track of the installation path. Use:

    CONFIG += qxt

    QXT = core network

    for example, and it'll automatically handle the include and link flags.

  2. Lawrence (Dee) Holtsclaw

    Besides that, qmake has been configured to produce pkg-config files. Building into the "standard places" (e.g. /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin) should take care of that problem. I use pkg-config in my own autotools to locate Qt and Qxt libraries.

    • Disclaimer: I always used an RPM or DEB package when deploying and specific environment settings on my development machine so pkg_config and other tools could locate appropriate configurations, libraries and/or executables.
  3. Former user Account Deleted

    So how would I get the required include path for Qxt in an automake script file, for example? (I know this might be a silly question but I'm new to the app development world)

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