error in globalshorcut include to global.h, critical

Issue #23 duplicate
PICCORO McKAY Lenz created an issue
Scanning dependencies of target screengrab
[ 72%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/screengrab.dir/src/main.cpp.o
In file included from /usr/include/qxt/QxtGui/QxtGlobalShortcut:1,
                 from /home/intranet/debian/screengrab/screengrab-1.0.0rc1/src/ui/mainwindow.h:31,
                 from /home/intranet/debian/screengrab/screengrab-1.0.0rc1/src/main.cpp:25:
/usr/include/qxt/QxtGui/qxtglobalshortcut.h:28:23: error: qxtglobal.h: No existe el fichero o el directorio
In file included from /usr/include/qxt/QxtGui/QxtGlobalShortcut:1,

the file qxtglobalshortcut.h must use QxtCore/qxtglobal.h and not directly qxtglobal.h . this its critical for cmake building modules

Comments (7)

  1. PICCORO McKAY Lenz reporter

    Currently there's no proyect that used directly in debian that! so if i report that issue may not be fixed, due not affect any of sources in debian ...

    this are a directly error on headers of sources.

    In avantage i'l talk to debian mantainer about that.. But u must fixed that.

  2. PICCORO McKAY Lenz reporter

    ejem.. err.. what du u mean with invalid and forgot to include qxtcore

    the header? or lib path? header of qxtcore are included

  3. Arvid Picciani

    For qmake. QXT+=qxtwidgets will include the correct path to qxtglobal.h. Cmake is simply not supported, so you're on your own.

  4. PICCORO McKAY Lenz reporter

    now that's xplain all, its hard to made a Cmake due simply its not supported, so ironic, due all project that uses qxt uses extensible cmake modules


    at least... must be documented that in doc fils in project, due this king of problems

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