Qt5/Qt4 qmake path conflict!

Issue #42 wontfix
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi created an issue

When I tried to build libqxt which downloaded from http://dev.libqxt.org/libqxt/get/v0.6.2.tar.bz2 it gives me this error message:

mbnoimi@mbnoimi-pc /opt/libqxt $ sudo ./configure -qmake-bin /opt/Qt5.0.2/5.0.2/gcc_64/bin/qmake -no-db -no-zeroconf 
Testing for optional external libraries.
If tests fail, some features will not be available.
Checking for qt4 WARNING: TARGET is empty
..  [failure] 
Checking for xrandr WARNING: TARGET is empty
..  [failure] 
Autodetection finished. Running qmake.
Project ERROR: LibQxt requires Qt 4.3 or newer but Qt 5.0.2 was detected.

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