QxtGlobalShortcut: undefined nativeEventFilter

Issue #81 resolved
Roman Putintsev created an issue


When I build QxtGlobalShortcut under Mac OS with Qt 5.2, I got this error:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::nativeEventFilter(QByteArray const&, void, long)", referenced from: vtable for QxtGlobalShortcutPrivatein qxtglobalshortcut.o "non-virtual thunk to QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::nativeEventFilter(QByteArray const&, void, long)", referenced from: vtable for QxtGlobalShortcutPrivatein qxtglobalshortcut.o

It's happened because abstract function: QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::nativeEventFilter doesn't have implementation for mac os in file: src/widgets/mac/qxtglobalshortcut_mac.cpp

On Windows this class works fine!

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