LP-388 Workaround for 2 telemetry errors while calibrating AuxMag

#306 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in f5soh/librepilot/LP-388_AuxMag_calibration_wrong_initial_settings (pull request #306)

279eaf4·Author: ·Closed by: ·2016-09-04


This workaround remove two telemetry errors while calibrating AuxMag. First error implies the calibration start using old Mag_transform and Mag_scale values while collecting samples.

Telemetry - !!! Making request for an object "AUXMAGSETTINGS (ID: C380EF60-0, 60 BYTES, single)" for which a request is already in progress ----------------------------------- Onboard Mag Mag fitting results: scale( 0.935458 , 0.977785 , 1.16327 ) bias( 468.149 , 348.908 , -298.256 ) ----------------------------------- Aux Mag Mag fitting results: scale( 0.306996 , 0.300834 , 0.308874 ) bias( -3.52615 , -0.928736 , -9.99224 ) ----------------------------------- Telemetry - !!! Making request for an object "AUXMAGSETTINGS (ID: C380EF60-0, 60 BYTES, single)" for which a request is already in progress

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