span.picker disappear

Issue #5 new
matteo buferli created an issue

Hi, i'm Matteo, an italian dev. Your widget is amazing, but in my page (a really complex page, with so much divs) the span.picker disapper when i click on canvas to changing color instead of drag it on canvas.

I tried to find the why of this behavior: I think don't work fine the 'top' value of the span.picker after a click: in fact the value is really negative (for example -1022.392082093), and the picker disappear after the header of my page.

Sorry i dont find so much more informations about this bug. Have a nice weekend, bye.

Comments (2)

  1. matteo buferli reporter

    For solve bug right now, i comment out all .click event on canvas, and I left active only drag option on canvas, they work fine!


  2. Chris Webb

    I found this issue too in Chrome 39. The fix for me was changing clientX and clientY to pageX and pageY in the first click listener.

        alpha.on('click', function(e) {     
          var offset, x, y;
          offset = $(;
          x = e.pageX - offset.left - (_this.options.size / 2);
          y = e.pageY - - (_this.options.size / 2);
          _this._setHue(x, y);
          return _this._update();
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