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sdaas / legacy_installation

Legacy Installation

These instructions apply only to release 1.x of SDaaS Enterprise platform see the new installation manual

You can decide to install SDaaS platform in a remote host or local to your workstation

step 1 - prepare an host for SDaaS

Option A - manually configure a remote host:

In order to use SDaaS in your host (physical or virtual) you need an Ubuntu 16.04 host with following tools installed:

  • bash 4.3
  • git
  • curl
  • raptor2-utils
  • blazegraph service (running at 9999 port)
  • csvtomd
  • composer

To install all required tools in a fresh ubuntu 16.04 instance, login to host as a nonprivileged user and run this command:

curl -s -L | sudo bash
Proceed to step 2.

Option B - configure local workstation using vbox and vagrant:

You can run SDaaS from a local workstation (any OS but with at least with 4GB of RAM) using Virtual Box and vagrant

Create a Vagrantfile file with this content:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ldc/sdaas" "forwarded_port", guest: 9999, host: 9999
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
    v.memory = 4096 

Run sdaas local instance and connect to it:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Proceed to step 2.

Step 2: install SDaaS platform

Before to install the SDaaS platform, you need a public ssh key registered by LinkedData.Center.

Here find the instruction about how to build your private ssh key

Once you have your key pair, send your pub key (i.e. to LinkedData.Center support requiring the SDaaS accreditation. Be sure to copy both keys in your .ssh dir (ie. ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/

Execute the following command as a unprivileged user:

source <(curl -s -L )

Suggested optional packages

We suggest you install these optional tools:

  • awscli package (if Amazon AWS is needed)
  • xlsx2csv when xlsx excel processing is needed
  • xls2csv when old excel format is needed


This command, executed as a unprivileged user, update sdaap to last available compatible release :

composer global update

To restrict update to bug fixing releases use the command:

composer global require linkeddatacenter/sdaas:~2.0.0

To lock to a specific version:

composer global require linkeddatacenter/sdaas:=2.0.3

To use bleeding edge release:

composer global require linkeddatacenter/sdaas:dev-master
