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sdaas / sdaas_AP

SDaaS Application Profile sdaas_AP is the vocabulary that is recognized by SDaaS platform and agent. sdaas_AP is compatible with the KEES language profile.

Besides all KEES specifications, sdaas_AP provides support for RML specification as a data accrual method. It is also able to understand void:DataDump and dcat:Distribution classes

Following namespace are used:

Following restrictions apply:

  • rr:graphMap attribute is not recognized, all triples are generated in the graph where the RML triple map is defined
  • all csv source files must be related with a csvw:Table wth following attributes with max cardinality =1:
    • csvw:dialect (default sdass:standardCSVDialect)
    • csvw:delimiter (default ",")
    • csvw:encoding (default"UTF-8")
    • csvw:header (default tre)
  • if the dct:source referred object is a dataset, the rml:source in the logical source must be a distribution of such datatset


Build a graph from a triple map:

[] a kees:Plan ;
   kees:builds <http://www.example/named-graph> ;
   dct:accrualMethod ( [  a rml:TriplesMap
     rml:logicalSource [
        rml:source <http://www.example/dataset/distribution.csv> ;
        rml:referenceFormulation ql:CSV
    rr:subjectMap [
        rr:template "{id}";
        rr:class ex:Stop 
    # ...

<http://www.example/dataset> a dcat:Dataset ;
    dcat:distribution [
        a dcat:Distribution;
        dcat:downloadURL <http://www.example/dataset/distribution.csv> 

[] a csvw:Table;
    csvw:url <http://www.example/dataset/distribution.csv> ;
    csvw:dialect [ a csvw:Dialect;
        csvw:delimiter ";";
        csvw:encoding "UTF-8";
        csvw:header "1"^^xsd:boolean 

From datadumps :

[] kees:builds :NYTimes
   kees:from [
      void:dataDump <>;
      void:dataDump <>;
      void:dataDump <>;
      void:dataDump <>
