PGM JSON Output Issues

Issue #14 resolved
Danny Roessner created an issue

Found several issues with JSON output. I'm using this sample RPG:

     H AlwNull(*UsrCtl)

       dcl-ds inputDS qualified;
         in1 varchar(5:2);
         in2 varchar(5:2);

       dcl-pr Main extpgm;
         inCount int(10);
         input likeds(inputDS) dim(20);
         outCount int(10);
         outputA char(10) dim(20);
         last char(20);

       dcl-pi Main;
         inCount int(10);
         input likeds(inputDS) dim(20);
         outCount int(10);
         outputA char(10) dim(20);
         last char(20);

       dcl-s i int(10);
       outCount = inCount;
       for i = 1 to inCount;
         outputA(i) = 'test' + %char(i);
       last = '"quoted" text';
       outCount = i - 1;

Sample call:

    {"name":"DRTEST01",  "lib":"DROESSNER"},
    {"s": {"name":"inCount", "type":"10i0", "value":1, "by":"in"}},
    {"ds": [{"name":"inputDS","dim":20, "by": "in"},
            {"name":"in1", "type":"5av2", "value":"i1"},
            {"name":"in2", "type":"5av2", "value":"i2"}
    {"s": {"name":"outCount", "type":"10i0", "value":1, "setlen":"outputA"}},
    {"s": {"name":"outputA", "type":"10a", "dim":20, "dou": "outCount"}},
    {"s": {"name":"last", "type":"20a", "value":"ll"}}

Sample output:

{"script":[{"pgm":["DRTEST01","DROESSNER",{"inputDS":[[]]},{"outCount":1},{"outputA":["test1","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]},{"last":""quoted" text"}]}]}

Noticing the following issues from this example:

  1. inputDS specifies "by": "in", but the output still passes it back
  2. outputA array should only be the size of outCount
  3. Quotes are not escaped in strings so the output JSON is invalid

Let me know if you need me to provide any additional info.

Comments (18)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    You are proposing a new feature for simple data ("s"). The functions dealing with "dou": "outCount" are only available with structures ("ds").

    "dou": "outCount" ... not available (only "ds")

    No "dou": "outCount" feature for simple data data ("s").

    "setlen":"outputA" ... not available (only "ds").

    No "setlen":"outputA" feature for simple data data ("s").

    You are misusing "setlen" (length, not count)

    Even if "setlen" supported for "s" (not supported). You are also misusing "setlen":"outputA", as value result of "outCount" is length 20 * 10 = 200. Aka, "setlen" meant for "length" of a "ds" to help with offset math of many MI and system API interfaces, not "count" of a ds.

    More, maybe not "s" ...

    Simple dimension data "s", dim(20), usually is considered one-array-simple-type. I am not sure we even want to attempt sub setting the output based on "count".

    For example, most times simple "s" array data will be inside of a "ds" structure. This would get messy if we allow "chunks" of the "s" elements to disappear inside a "ds".

    Mmmm ... i don't know about this idea. In fact, may be a bad idea for simple types.

    work around, use "ds" (not "s")

    To control "output count" of a simple data "s", simply surround with a "ds". That is, is no difference between "s":dim(20) and a "ds":dim(20) with one data element.

    bash-4.3$ ./test1000_sql400json32 ../json/j0161_pgm_danny01-ds
        {"name":"DANNY01",  "lib":"DB2JSON"},
        {"s": {"name":"inCount", "type":"10i0", "value":1, "by":"in"}},
        {"ds": [{"name":"inputDS","dim":20, "by": "in"},
                {"name":"in1", "type":"5av2", "value":"i1"},
                {"name":"in2", "type":"5av2", "value":"i2"}
        {"s": {"name":"outCount", "type":"10i0", "value":1}},
        {"ds": [ {"name":"workAround", "dim":20, "dou": "outCount"}, 
            {"s": {"name":"outputA", "type":"10a"}}
        {"s": {"name":"last", "type":"20a", "value":"ll"}}
    {"last":""quoted" text"}]}]}
    success (0)

    Note: "setlen":"outputA" is removed from "name":"outCount" because you are not using "length" feature correctly. Aka, "outCount" result is 20 * 10 = 200 (offset length), not a "count" of elements.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Again ... You are proposing a new feature for simple data ("s"). The functions dealing with "dou": "outCount" and "setlen":"outputA" are only available with structures ("ds").

    Mmmm ... i don't know about this idea. How bad do you want it???

  3. Danny Roessner reporter

    It would be nice to be able to have the ability to specify a counter for simple data since we are dealing with legacy code where data is passed in an array as described. I think going back and adding the proposed workaround is not an option due to the scope of the work, but if you are against adding this functionality we can also just add a post processing procedure to strip out the additional data before returning to the client.

    Having it built in would be preferred, but is not necessary as there are different ways to work around it.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Quotes are not escaped in strings so the output JSON is invalid

    Ok, I added escape to json string output (i think).

    Yips Super Driver - test driver - 1.1.1-sg8 - toolkit added escape for json strings returned (Danny R)

    bash-4.3$ ./test1000_sql400json32 ../json/j0161_pgm_danny01-ds
        {"name":"DANNY01",  "lib":"DB2JSON"},
        {"s": {"name":"inCount", "type":"10i0", "value":3, "by":"in"}},
        {"ds": [{"name":"inputDS","dim":20, "by": "in"},
                {"name":"in1", "type":"5av2", "value":"i1"},
                {"name":"in2", "type":"5av2", "value":"i2"}
        {"s": {"name":"outCount", "type":"10i0", "value":1}},
        {"ds": [{"name":"workAround", "dim":20, "dou": "outCount"}, 
            {"s": {"name":"outputA", "type":"10a"}}
        {"s": {"name":"last", "type":"20a", "value":"ll"}}
    {"last":"\"quoted\" text"}]}]}
    success (0)

    This needs more testing in your environment.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    ... would be nice to be able to have the ability to specify a counter for simple data since we are dealing with legacy code where data is passed in an array as described.

    Delay. I want to think about effects of change to replicate advance "counting" functions of "ds" into "s". Will let you know.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    ... would be nice to be able to have the ability to specify a counter for simple data

    Ok, added dou and dob to simple data ("s").

    Yips Super Driver - tests driver - 1.1.1-sg9 - toolkit add output dou and dob “s” data array (Danny R)

    option 1) "s" dou - do until other data counter field (request)

    This will terminate data "s" array output at other field limit.

    bash-4.3$ ./test1000_sql400json32 ../json/j0162_pgm_danny01-ds_dou 
        {"name":"DANNY01",  "lib":"DB2JSON"},
        {"s": {"name":"inCount", "type":"10i0", "value":3, "by":"in"}},
        {"ds": [{"name":"inputDS","dim":20, "by": "in"},
                {"name":"in1", "type":"5av2", "value":"i1"},
                {"name":"in2", "type":"5av2", "value":"i2"}
        {"s": {"name":"outCount", "type":"10i0", "value":1}},
        {"s": {"name":"outputA", "type":"10a", "dim":20, "dou": "outCount"}},
        {"s": {"name":"last", "type":"20a", "value":"ll"}}
    {"last":"\"quoted\" text"}]}]}

    BTW -- Again, "dou": "outCount", you are using "setlen" wrong, so change your test for outCount limit.

    option 2) "s" dob - do until blank/zero

    This will terminate data "s" array output at first zero/blank array element.

    bash-4.3$ ./test1000_sql400json32 ../json/j0163_pgm_danny01-ds_dob 
        {"name":"DANNY01",  "lib":"DB2JSON"},
        {"s": {"name":"inCount", "type":"10i0", "value":3, "by":"in"}},
        {"ds": [{"name":"inputDS","dim":20, "by": "in"},
                {"name":"in1", "type":"5av2", "value":"i1"},
                {"name":"in2", "type":"5av2", "value":"i2"}
        {"s": {"name":"outCount", "type":"10i0", "value":1}},
        {"s": {"name":"outputA", "type":"10a", "dim":20, "dob": "on"}},
        {"s": {"name":"last", "type":"20a", "value":"ll"}}
    {"last":"\"quoted\" text"}]}]}

    This needs testing in your environment.

  7. Danny Roessner reporter

    Appreciate the quick fixes on this again. I will load the new build today and do some more testing.

  8. Brian Jerome

    Looks like the "dou" on the simple data works for me in sg10 using the sample rpg/call (no setlen on the counter) when the count > 0. (Note "dob":"on" is needed when the count = 0).

    Still getting inputDS returned when "by":"in" is set.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    Looks like the "dou" on the simple data works for me in sg10

    Cool. Hopefully continues on more tests (should work).

    when the count > 0. (Note "dob":"on" is needed when the count = 0).

    Mmmm ... "dou":"label" should work for associated data parm with count == 0. Aka, you should not have to add "dob":"on".

    Basically for readers.

    1) "dou":"label" - limits data array elements to 'count' value in associated "label" count parm (0 should work)

    2) "dob":"on" - lazy man way to stop array output when reaching first array element blank or zero (nothing to see past blank or zero in this array).

    I will need to look at this count == 0 issue. Thanks.

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    "dou:"count" == 0 issue. Thanks.

    Ok. I have a new version with this problem fixed for simple array data limitcount.

    Yips Super Driver - test driver - 1.1.2-sg3 - toolkit “dou”:”label” fix count equal zero (Danny R)

    bash-4.3$ ./test1000_sql400json32 ../json/j0166_pgm_danny01-ds_dou
        {"name":"DANNY01",  "lib":"DB2JSON"},
        {"s": {"name":"inCount", "type":"10i0", "value":0, "by":"in"}},
        {"ds": [{"name":"inputDS","dim":20, "by": "in"},
                {"name":"in1", "type":"5av2", "value":"i1"},
                {"name":"in2", "type":"5av2", "value":"i2"}
        {"s": {"name":"outCount", "type":"10i0", "value":0}},
        {"s": {"name":"outputA", "type":"10a", "dim":20, "dou": "outCount"}},
        {"s": {"name":"last", "type":"20a", "value":"ll"}}
    {"last":"\"quoted\" text"}]}]}
    success (0)

    BTW -- You do not have to be concerned about the other php async work in this driver. That work has nothing to do with your current activities. (However, if you are a node toolkit user/author, we should replace current 'bad' toolkit for a 'good' async model based on db2sock work SQL400JsonAsync w/callback).

  11. Former user Account Deleted

    {"inputDS":[[]]} ... still getting inputDS returned when "by":"in" is set.

    Mmm ... bit more complex to make "go away". I will look into issue.

  12. Brian Jerome


    2) "dob":"on" ...

    Yeah I realized it was the lazy way and would rather just use "dou":"label" so I'm glad it is fixed now in the latest.

  13. Former user Account Deleted

    {"inputDS":[[]]} ... still getting inputDS returned when "by":"in" is set.

    Ok. Changes to remove empty inputDS.

    • Yips Super Driver - tests driver - 1.1.2-sg4 - toolkit remove extra “inputDS” when “by”:”in” (Danny R)
    $ ./test1000_sql400json32 ../json/j0162_pgm_danny01-ds_dou
        {"name":"DANNY01",  "lib":"DB2JSON"},
        {"s": {"name":"inCount", "type":"10i0", "value":3, "by":"in"}},
        {"ds": [{"name":"inputDS","dim":20, "by": "in"},
                {"name":"in1", "type":"5av2", "value":"i1"},
                {"name":"in2", "type":"5av2", "value":"i2"}
        {"s": {"name":"outCount", "type":"10i0", "value":1}},
        {"s": {"name":"outputA", "type":"10a", "dim":20, "dou": "outCount"}},
        {"s": {"name":"last", "type":"20a", "value":"ll"}}
    {"last":"\"quoted\" text"}]}]}
    success (0)
  14. Brian Jerome

    I retested this in sg5. The inputDS no longer is returned in the output. Unfortunately I cannot mark this as resolved.

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