Do not make db connection when using in memory call

Issue #28 resolved
Teemu Halmela created an issue

We shouldn't make a db connection or allocate a handle when it isn't needed. It slows things down.


Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Ok, i have 'no connect' when using memory call option with PGM or CMD. Yes, screaming fast. Yes, could be even faster if cache pgm resolves (devil may care security issues though).

    • Link Text - test driver - 1.1.4-sg6 toolkit - Do not make db connection when using in memory call (Halmela)


    However, again (reminder), even with memory option, all json operations for qsh, rexx, and db2 are still using a db2 connection (slower).


    Of course json db2 operations need a connection (obvious). Also json qsh and rexx are already slow (not wasting my time making slow-as-snail shell like operations go a little faster).

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