PGM Call JSON Output Issues

Issue #9 resolved
Danny Roessner created an issue

I’m not sure if I’m understanding the “by” functionality correctly or if this is incomplete, but when I add a “by”:”in” config to a parameter it is still included in the output. For example, I send something like {"s":{"name":"INPUT","type":"10a","value":"DATA","by":"in"}} and the output passes "pgm":["TEST","DANNY",{"INPUT":"DATA"}]. I would think if I specify "in" it should not be in the output.

Additionally, I have a simple RPG program that just returns a string. The config I’m sending for the parm is {"s":{"name":"RTRNCD","type":"8a","by":"out”}}. The RPG code is setting RTRNCD to an empty string, but the JSON output I’m getting for this parameter is {"RTRNCD":{}}. I would expect it to be {"RTRNCD":""}

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ... if I specify "in" it should not be in the output.

    Correct. However, {"by":"in/out"} are not implemented yet in db2sock toolkit.

    BTW -- Only {"by":"return"} is implemented (so far), allow srvpgm to return aggregate data (dcl-pi *N likeds(hello_ds_t);).


    Return '{}' is a valid for json "empty" object. Mmm ... however ... perhaps json empty string is not considered a json empty object (below).

    Valid minimal JSON strings are
    The empty object '{}'
    The empty array '[]'
    The string that is empty '""'
    A number e.g. '123.4'
    The boolean value true 'true'
    The boolean value false 'false'
    The null value 'null'


    I will look into both issues.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    "RTRNCD":{} to "RTRNCD":""

    Ok. I changed db2sock toolkit empty string.

    • Yips Super Driver - test driver - 1.1.1-sg5 toolkit json change return empty string to “” (not {})
    test1000_sql400json32 ../json/j0180_pgm_hamela03-ds-rpg-occurs
        {"name":"HAMELA03",  "lib":"DB2JSON"},
        {"s": [
            {"name":"Parm1", "type":"1a", "value":""},
            {"name":"Parm2", "type":"18a", "value":"äöÄÖåÅáÁàÀ"},
            {"name":"Parm3", "type":"2a", "value":""},
            {"name":"Parm4", "type":"10a", "value":""},
            {"name":"Arr1Count", "type":"3s0", "value":0}
  3. Former user Account Deleted


    Ok. I added "by":"in", to remove input params from the output json returned.

    Yips Super Driver test driver - 1.1.1-sg6 toolkit add "by":"in" remove output

    test1000_sql400json64 ../json/j07411_srvpgm_value_rainint1_by_in
    {"pgm":[{"name":"RAINSRV", "lib":"DB2JSON", "func":"RAININT1"},
            {"s":[{"name":"a1", "type":"3i0", "value":1, "by":"val"},
                  {"name":"a2", "type":"3i0", "value":2, "by":"val"},
                  {"name":"a3", "type":"3i0", "value":3, "by":"val"},
                  {"name":"a4", "type":"3i0", "value":4, "by":"val"},
                  {"name":"o1", "type":"3i0", "value":5, "by":"in"},
                  {"name":"o2", "type":"3i0", "value":6, "by":"in"},
                  {"name":"o3", "type":"3i0", "value":7, "by":"both"},
                  {"name":"o4", "type":"3i0", "value":8, "by":"in"}
    Note: o1, o2, o4 are missing, only o3 is output
    success (0)

    Also works for ds structures (i think).

    bash-4.3$ ./test1000_sql400json32 ../json/j0115_srvpgm_hello_ds_by_in
    {"pgm":[{"name":"HELLOSRV", "lib":"DB2JSON", "func":"HELLODS"},
            {"ds":[{"s":{"name":"char", "type":"128a", "value":"Hi there"}},{"name":"parm","by":"in"}]},
            {"ds":[{"s":{"name":"char", "type":"128a", "value":"Hi back"}},{"name":"retn","by":"return"}]}
    {"retn":[{"char":"Hello World Again"}]}]}]}
    success (0)

    Probably needs more testing ... that you could help out.

  4. Danny Roessner reporter

    Thanks Tony! Appreciate the quick turn-around. I will definitely run some thorough tests and will close the issue out when ready.

  5. Danny Roessner reporter

    Tested various PGM calls and have not been able to reproduce the 2 issues. Marking as resolved.

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