calls to "system" prematurely ends

Issue #14 resolved
Aaron Bartell created an issue

To recreate issue:


Only the first command, DSPSYSVAL QSRLNBR, will run. I am wondering if it has something to do with system and it altering stdin/stdout? I've tried all manner of system options without success.

Side note: I am not even sure if system outside a script is working correctly. For example, I believe the -q option should silence all output but it still returns results.

$ system -q 'DSPSYSVAL QMODEL'
                                                   System Values                                                        Page     1
5770SS1 V7R2M0  140418                                                                            LITMIS1   07/31/15  23:23:24 UTC
                Current                         Shipped
 Name           value                           value                           Description
 QMODEL          E4A                            ' '                             System model number
     Note:  > means current value is different from the shipped value
                                         * * * * *   E N D  O F  L I S T I N G   * * * * *

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Ok, i just pushed a fix (see below). Trick use a different file descriptor '3' to avoid collision with system. Hopefully this works, let me know.

    function chroot_setup {
      # copy needed PASE binaries
      while read name <&3; do
    ... do stuff ...
      done 3<$1
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