nls (national language support) files

Issue #2 resolved
Aaron Bartell created an issue

Tried a PowerRuby environment without nls and it bails when accessing a page after the rails server has been started. Errors like:

Cannot convert between code set  (CCSID 819) and code set  (CCSID 37)

After copying /usr/lib/nls into the chroot then everything worked as expected. The nls folder is big - about 638MB. So if we could find a way to selectively include files then that would be great. If not, copy everything.

Comments (12)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I do not know proper subset. Perhaps worse maybe language subset changes depending on language of choice. I just don't know, we may end up chasing our tails endlessly for 638MB. I am thinking we just copy the whole thing? What do you say?

  2. Aaron Bartell reporter

    I say we copy the whole thing to start (to fix CCSID issues) and then as time permits we can hone or make selection granular.

    Here's how I (currently) tar it:

    cd /usr/lib
    $ tar -cvhf /QOpenSys/ibmichroot/nls_loc.tar nls/loc/

    Here's how I (currently) extract:

    cd $env_path/usr/lib; tar -xf /QOpenSys/ibmichroot/nls_loc.tar

    I put "currently" in parentheses because we need to determine if there is value in doing tar vs. copy. The value I've found with the tar approach is I can save off specific versions of runtimes. For example, I have node-v0.10.29.tar and node-v0.10.35.tar. If we take the tar approach, which I think we should, then we'd need to add that feature to both and The xxxxx.lst addition could look like the following:

    $CHROOT_DIR /dir/to/tar/nls_loc.tar

    The one issue is should we include features to create a tar (i.e. nls_loc.tar) if it doesn't yet exist. Thoughts?

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    i think we should handle tar version(s) as a different script. To wit, last conversation, PASE geometry rules ("the law"), following seems appropriate.

    # Command:
    #   > ./ chroot_nls.lst /QOpenSys/root_path
    # tar list
    # ( example based on /QOpenSys/lib/nls(/loc)
    #   mkdir -p $CHROOT_DIR/QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc
    #   tar -chf $CHROOT_DIR/QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc.tar /QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc
    #   cd $CHROOT_DIR/QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc/..
    #   tar -xf $CHROOT_DIR/QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc.tar
    # )
  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Correct example above ...

    # tar list
    # ( example: /QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc
    #    mkdir -p $CHROOT_DIR/QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc
    #    cd /QOpenSys/lib/nls
    #    tar -chf $CHROOT_DIR/QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc.tar loc
    #    cd $CHROOT_DIR/QOpenSys/lib/nls
    #    tar -xf loc.tar
    # )
    [adc@oc7083008330 ibmichroot]$ ./ chroot_nls.lst /QOpenSys/ranger
    mkdir -p /QOpenSys/ranger/QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc
    cd /QOpenSys/lib/nls
    tar -chf /QOpenSys/ranger/QOpenSys/lib/nls/loc.tar loc
    cd /QOpenSys/ranger/QOpenSys/lib/nls
    tar -xf loc.tar
  5. Aaron Bartell reporter

    I don't know if it matters if :tar_dir is in its own xxxx.lst (maybe I misunderstood), but what does matter is can process :tar_dir. Then people, including us, can do any mix of :cp, :files, :tar_dir as the need requires.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    To be clear, :tar_dir can appear in any xxx.lst, along with anything else. Yes, by all means, go ahead and mix, :tar_dir is just another directive.

    I think you are indirectly commenting on my CHOICE to make a chroot_nls.lst. I simply choose to make chroot_nls.lst, because nls takes forever to tar copy the whole thing on my power 5 machine.

  7. Aaron Bartell reporter

    I think you are indirectly commenting on my CHOICE to make a chroot_nls.lst. I simply choose to make chroot_nls.lst, because nls takes forever to tar copy the whole thing on my power 5 machine.

    You are correct and I now see where you were coming from. POWER5 ug :-P

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    This is not forgotten, but a nasty bit of testing. Any help in various 'tests' will help.

  9. Aaron Bartell reporter

    I've tested this feature (it works) and took liberty of modifying it a bit to not create tar if it already exists (time saver). The reusable tar is created outside chroot. You can see the changes I made with this commit.

    NOTE: I am still a noob with shell scripting so any and all coding critiques are welcome.

    I am marking this as resolved.

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