"system" command doesn't work in chroot

Issue #38 resolved
Aaron Bartell created an issue

I thought I had asked you (@rangercairns) this before but couldn't find my question in any achives... should the PASE system command work in chroot? It isn't working for me and I have a sinking feeling it's because it is somehow linked to /QSYS.LIB (which would obviously fail).

Comments (10)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I have a sinking feeling it's because it is somehow linked to /QSYS.LIB

    Correct my sinking friend (blub, blub, blub, quicksand). PASE 'system' command calls *PGMs in /QSYS.LIB, which has been rendered not available in chroot. By the same token, anything qshell (qsh), will not work because it also is /QSYS.LIB.

  2. Aaron Bartell reporter


    I am wondering if we could/should develop a shell-itoolkit that goes directly against the SQL CLI APIs (invoking XMLSERVICE's iPLUGR4K stored proc). It would remove the requirement for PHP/Ruby/Python/Node.js. We already have open source/working SQL CLI API code in the ruby-ibm_db, so we could use that code. And then we could borrow code from the Linux system command for creating hooks into the compiled SQL CLI APIs.

    We could name the shell script itoolkit and run it as follows:

    $ itoolkit -cmd 'DSPJOBLOG'
    ...joblog output...
    $ itoolkit -raw '<xml><script>...input...</script>'
  3. Former user Account Deleted

    We already have open source/working SQL CLI API code in the ruby-ibm_db, so we could use that code. And then we could borrow code from the Linux system command for creating hooks into the compiled SQL CLI APIs.

    ... three French hens ... two turtle doves ... and ... a partridge in a pear tree.

    What you really want is an equivalent db2 pase command that uses the libdb400.a driver. Yes it is complete possible.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    I am wondering if we could/should develop a shell-itoolkit that goes directly against ... XMLSERVICE

    From a shell language (bash, ksh, etc.) ...

    • available - You can already do this with curl and REST interface (rest driver)

    • not avail - we do not have a shell-driver-db2-interface to iPlug today, but it is possible (db2 driver)

    • not avail - you could also skip db2 anything and call directly into xmlservice (memory driver)

  5. Aaron Bartell reporter

    ... three French hens ... two turtle doves ... and ... a partridge in a pear tree.

    :-) Christmas in July, I like it.

    not avail - we do not have a shell-driver-db2-interface to iPlug today, but it is possible (db2 driver)

    The mention of libdb400.a triggered memory of the db2sock project. I am thinking that might be a good foundation.

    not avail - you could also skip db2 anything and call directly into xmlservice (memory driver)

    Would this work from chroot? Any wager at a guess of speed improvements?

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    ... skip db2 anything and call directly into xmlservice (memory driver) Would this work from chroot?

    Yes and no.

    Calling ILE PGMS, CMDS, *SRVPGMS, ... yes.

    Call xmlservice shell functions like <sh>system 'thing'</sh> ... no (same as command line).

    Any wager at a guess of speed improvements?

    Not a lot.

    However, we have been working on an XMLSERVICE 2, which could run much faster.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Start a new litmis project called 'db2util'. I started your shell toy this afternoon ... looking good.

    bash-4.3$ make
    gcc -g -I. -I/usr/include -I.. -c db2util.c
    gcc -g db2util.o -L. -lpthreads -liconv -ldl -lpthread -ldb400 -o db2util
    bash-4.3$ db2util "select * from QIWS/QCUSTCDT where LSTNAM='Jones' or LSTNAM='Vine'"      
    "839283","Jones   ","B D","21B NW 135 St","Clay  ","NY","13041","400","1","100.00",".00"
    "392859","Vine    ","S S","PO Box 79    ","Broton","VT","5046","700","1","439.00",".00"
    "392859","Vine    ","S S","PO Box 79    ","Broton","VT","5046","700","1","439.00",".00"
    bash-4.3$ db2util "select * from QIWS/QCUSTCDT where LSTNAM='Jones' or LSTNAM='Vine'" json
    {"CUSNUM":"839283","LSTNAM":"Jones   ","INIT":"B D","STREET":"21B NW 135 St","CITY":"Clay  ","STATE":"NY","ZIPCOD":"13041","CDTLMT":"400","CHGCOD":"1","BALDUE":"100.00","CDTDUE":".00"},
    {"CUSNUM":"392859","LSTNAM":"Vine    ","INIT":"S S","STREET":"PO Box 79    ","CITY":"Broton","STATE":"VT","ZIPCOD":"5046","CDTLMT":"700","CHGCOD":"1","BALDUE":"439.00","CDTDUE":".00"},
    {"CUSNUM":"392859","LSTNAM":"Vine    ","INIT":"S S","STREET":"PO Box 79    ","CITY":"Broton","STATE":"VT","ZIPCOD":"5046","CDTLMT":"700","CHGCOD":"1","BALDUE":"439.00","CDTDUE":".00"}
    bash-4.3$ db2util "select * from QIWS/QCUSTCDT where LSTNAM='Jones' or LSTNAM='Vine'" space
    "839283" "Jones   " "B D" "21B NW 135 St" "Clay  " "NY" "13041" "400" "1" "100.00" ".00"
    "392859" "Vine    " "S S" "PO Box 79    " "Broton" "VT" "5046" "700" "1" "439.00" ".00"
    "392859" "Vine    " "S S" "PO Box 79    " "Broton" "VT" "5046" "700" "1" "439.00" ".00"
  8. Former user Account Deleted

    Ok, the project is up. Make file is gcc. I provided a Yips link to a compiled 'test version'. We should move any chat about this tool to the db2util issues.

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