Alternative download on Linux is broken because PATH change

Issue #8 resolved
PHPDave created an issue

Recent commit breaks alternative download specified in

Should either 1) remove alternative download in Wiki or 2) check to see if the script is running on IBMi before setting the PATH and LIBPATH or 3) create a different script for downloading files via an intermediate machine.

Commit Diff:

Proposed solution

system_OS400=$(uname | grep -c OS400)

# set PATH and LIBPATH to avoid user random acts
if (($system_OS400==1))
    export PATH
    export LIBPATH

Comments (7)

  1. Aaron Bartell

    Nevermind, I didn't read your post full (i.e. proposed solution). Solution looks good. Please fork, make change, and do pull request. If you don't know how to do that I can teach you.

  2. PHPDave reporter

    Ok i tried it two different ways... forked it myself and then did an automated fork... Let me know if i did anything wrong.

  3. Aaron Bartell

    It appears you did a pull request to your own repository and it needs to be a pull request to the original ibmichroot repo so I can merge it into the ibmichroot project.

  4. Aaron Bartell

    That worked and your changes are now merged into the base repo. COOL!

    Please continue to test/kick-tires. The success of projects like this are very much dependent on many community members participating.

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