SELECT statement does not return BLOB string

Issue #25 resolved
Kerim Gueney created an issue

Hey all,

I have a very simple table with four columns, one of the columns is of type BLOB(10485760). I populated the table with a couple sample data and when querying it via the ACS' SQL Editor, I get the following output:

7   FOO     S   FFD8FFEE0E0...(snipped)

the same statement called via the idb-connector returns the following object:

    ID: '7',
    TYPE: 'S',
    IMG: '' 

Is this is a bug or do I need to extract the blob string in a different manner?

Comments (24)

  1. Musse

    @mengxumx @KerimG @bjerome Currently working on getting BLOB implemented. The Blob would returned back in the form of a Node Buffer. Would Also be able to insert Node Buffer and bind to a BLOB field.

  2. Brian Jerome

    @abmusse Any update on your BLOB implementation? Hoping to try it out soon! I see there are some new tests added.

  3. Musse

    @bjerome Very Soon, we have been refactoring this project to use N-API, Blobs will be part of the N-API version of idb-connector.

  4. Musse

    @bjerome if you run a SELECT statement like OP you will be returned a buffer containing the blob within the result set. As of v1.1.0

  5. Brian Jerome

    @abmusse Great! Tested it out with the idb-connector and I was able to get the Buffer values. Unrelated I updated idb-pconnector to 0.1.0 but am getting unhandled promise errors so couldn't try it with that yet.

  6. Musse

    @bjerome Can you also try to bind a buffer to a blob field in the database. Maybe read a file from disk using fs to get a buffer.

    For example:

    const idb = require('idb-connector');
    const fs = require('fs');
    let dbconn = new idb.dbconn();
    let dbStmt = new idb.dbstmt(dbconn);
    let buffer = fs.readFileSync('Your File');
    dbStmt.prepare('Insert Statement', (error)=>{
            if (error){
              throw error;
            dbStmt.bindParam([[buffer, idb.SQL_PARAM_INPUT, idb.SQL_BLOB]], (error)=>{
              if (error){
                throw error;
              dbStmt.execute( (result, error) =>{
                if (error){
                  throw error;
  7. Brian Jerome

    @abmusse Was able to read from a file into a buffer and insert that buffer as the blob via your example 😃 Then I read that inserted blob and parsed the buffer with toString() to get the file contents.

  8. Musse

    @TaskForce_Kerim have you had a chance to test your original select statement with v1.1.1 of the idb-connector?

    Would like to mark this issue as resolved if all is well.

  9. Kerim Gueney reporter


    Oh yes, I was not able to test this yet, because we used a workaround but I trust Brian's results.

    Thanks a bunch!

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