Proposal to conform to new N-API interface

Issue #15 resolved
Jesse G created an issue

While this interface is still "experimental," it is being championed by IBM as the strategic future for native add-ons to the language. For API specifications, see

I suspect @WorksOfLiam, @mengxumx, @aaronbartell, or others could tackle this, so opening the issue so we can have a public discussion on how to best proceed. Perhaps some other folks from the IBM i community would also be interested in helping.

Comments (8)

  1. Liam Allan


    Sorry for the late reply. If I can find the time I will happily make a PR, until then I will post some notes about what I might do in case anyone else wants to give it a shot.

    1. Build nodejs-idb-connector on IBM i with Node.js 8.6.0 or above
    2. Once built, attempt to use converter.js which is found in the node-addon-api repository on GitHub.
    3. I hear that this will convert around 80% (don't quote me on that) and then it's manual work from there.

    Hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

    Cheers, Liam

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