iSql no result set

Issue #16 resolved
Brian Jerome created an issue

I'm revisiting this project to use in production since the db2sock is in limbo.

I am trying to make a simple sql query, but nothing is returned.

let conn = new xt.iConn('*LOCAL');
let sql = new xt.iSql();  /* Test iSql Class */

sql.prepare("call qsys2.tcpip_info()");
conn.add(sql); => {console.log(str)});

I can run this with strsql and I do get a result set, but when running it with the iToolkit QXMLSERV I don't receive a result.

<?xml version='1.0'?><myscript><sql><prepare error='fast'>call qsys2.tcpip_info()</prepare><execute error='fast'></execute><fetch block='all' desc='on'></fetch><free></free></sql></myscript>
SQLConnect: conn obj [1802fafd0] handler [18]
SQLPrepare(0): call QXMLSERV.iPLUG512K(?,?,?,?)
SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[ 1] SIZE[1024] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[ -3]
SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[ 1] SIZE[1024] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[ -3]
SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[14] SIZE[524288] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[190]
SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[14] SIZE[524288] DIGI[0] IO[2] IND[524288]

SQLDisconnect: conn obj [1802fafd0] handler [18]

Comments (12)

  1. Brian Jerome reporter


    I set the error: 'on' option for the prepare and execute tags but there doesn't appear to be errors. Am I missing something else?

    isql.prepare('call qsys2.tcpip_info()', {'error':'on'});
    isql.execute(null, {'error':'on'});

    I get similar output xml with the debug:

    <?xml version='1.0'?><myscript><sql><prepare error='on'>call qsys2.tcpip_info()</prepare><execute error='on'></execute><fetch block='all' desc='on'></fetch><free></free></sql></myscript>
    SQLConnect: conn obj [18032bc90] handler [18]
    SQLPrepare(0): call QXMLSERV.iPLUG512K(?,?,?,?)
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[ 1] SIZE[1024] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[ -3]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[ 1] SIZE[1024] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[ -3]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[14] SIZE[524288] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[186]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[14] SIZE[524288] DIGI[0] IO[2] IND[524288]
    SQLDisconnect: conn obj [18032bc90] handler [18]
  2. Aaron Bartell

    Am I missing something else?

    Hmm... not sure. I've not used it on iSQL before so I am not sure if the Javascript object maybe isn't getting passed up the foodchain correctly?

  3. Brian Jerome reporter

    I only have the compiled source so I'm not sure how else I could debug this issue on my end.

    Can someone else please try the iSql example from the master Example 1 of this repo?

  4. Christian Jorgensen

    I just installed the itoolkit package and ran the master Example 1 - and it ran without any errors.

    I also ran your test from the first comment in this thread - and this ran without errors as well. The output from your test running on our system was this (hostname removed):

    <?xml version='1.0'?><myscript><sql>
    <prepare error='fast' conn='conn1' stmt='stmt1'>
    <success><![CDATA[+++ success call qsys2.tcpip_info()]]></success>
    <execute error='fast' stmt='stmt1'>
    <success>+++ success stmt1</success>
    <fetch block='all' desc='on' stmt='stmt1'>
    <row><data desc='HOSTNAME'>zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz</data><data desc='VRM'>V7R3M0</data><data desc='DBGROUP'>SF99703 10</data><data desc='IPTYPE'>NONE</data><data desc='IPADDR'>UNKNOWN</data><data desc='PORT'>0</data></row>
    <success>+++ success stmt1</success>
    <free><success>+++ success </success>

    My node version is v8.11.3...

  5. Brian Jerome reporter

    @chrjorgensen Thanks for trying this.

    My node version is 8.10.0, but I doubt that'd have an effect. Also have the latest (0.1.3) version of itoolkit.. hmm.. I will look into this more when I get time..

    Going to leave this issue open and continue to document findings.

  6. Christian Jorgensen

    @bjerome I would suggest the following:

    • You may add the statement conn.debug(true); to have more debug information displayed on the console when your node program is running.
    • You could try to access the view QSYS2.TCPIP_INFO instead of calling the stored procedure QSYS2.TCPIP_INFO(). The stored procedure is not well documented in contrast to the UDTF.
    • If you just need SQL, you can use the module idb-connector instead of this toolkit module, which is intended for accessing native IBM i objects.
    • You could try some of the other classes in the toolkit to see whether they are performing as expected. If not, it may be a server issue, ie. XMLSERVICE program on the server, which can be corrected by a PTF (our server has fully updated group PTF's, e.g. SF99703 level 10).

    Just some thoughts - hope you make it work...

  7. Brian Jerome reporter

    It seems the Example 2 is not working either. But this looks like a toolkit runtime error.

    var xt = require('/QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/node_modules/itoolkit');
    var wk = require('/QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/node_modules/itoolkit/lib/iwork');
    var nt = require('/QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/node_modules/itoolkit/lib/inetwork');
    var conn = new xt.iConn("*LOCAL");
    var work = new wk.iWork(conn);
    var net = new nt.iNetwork(conn);
    work.getSysValue("QCCSID", (output) => {
      console.log("QCCSID = " + output);
    net.getTCPIPAttr((output) => {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(output, " ", 2));
    <?xml version='1.0'?><myscript><pgm name='QWCRSVAL' lib='QSYS' error='fast'><parm io='out'><ds len='rec1'><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10A'></data><data type='1A'></data><data type='1A'></data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data></ds></parm><parm><data type='10i0' setlen='rec1'>0</data></parm><parm><data type='10i0'>1</data></parm><parm><data type='10A'>QCCSID</data></parm><parm io='both'><ds len='rec2'><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0' setlen='rec2'>0</data><data type='7A'></data><data type='1A'></data></ds></parm></pgm></myscript>
    SQLConnect: conn obj [1802d8e90] handler [2]
    <?xml version='1.0'?><myscript><pgm name='QTOCNETSTS' lib='QSYS' func='QtocRtvTCPA' error='fast'><parm io='out'><ds len='rec1'><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='8A'></data><data type='6A'></data><data type='8A'></data><data type='6A'></data><data type='10A'></data><data type='10A'></data><data type='6A'></data><data type='16h'></data><data type='10A'></data><data type='10A'></data><data type='6A'></data><data type='16h'></data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='64A'></data><data type='255A'></data><data type='1A'></data><data type='256A'></data></ds></parm><parm><data type='10i0' setlen='rec1'>0</data></parm><parm><data type='8A'>TCPA0300</data></parm><parm io='both'><ds len='rec2'><data type='10i0'>0</data><data type='10i0' setlen='rec2'>0</data><data type='7A'></data><data type='1A'></data></ds></parm></pgm></myscript>
    SQLConnect: conn obj [1802db4b0] handler [6]
    SQLPrepare(0): call QXMLSERV.iPLUG512K(?,?,?,?)
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[ 1] SIZE[1024] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[ -3]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[ 1] SIZE[1024] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[ -3]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[14] SIZE[524288] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[599]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[14] SIZE[524288] DIGI[0] IO[2] IND[524288]
    SQLPrepare(0): call QXMLSERV.iPLUG512K(?,?,?,?)
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[ 1] SIZE[1024] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[ -3]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[ 1] SIZE[1024] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[ -3]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[14] SIZE[524288] DIGI[0] IO[1] IND[1203]
    SQLBindParameter(0) TYPE[14] SIZE[524288] DIGI[0] IO[2] IND[524288]
                    if(output[0].hasOwnProperty("success") && output[0].success == true)
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of undefined
        at toJson (/QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/node_modules/itoolkit/lib/iwork.js:106:16)
        at /QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/node_modules/itoolkit/lib/istoredp.js:89:15
  8. Christian Jorgensen

    Hi @bjerome

    I ran the sample no 2 (copied and pasted from your comment) on our server - without any problem.

    The only issue I had was that the code references a global install of itoolkit, whereas my test project has a local install. So I changed the lines

    var xt = require('/QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/node_modules/itoolkit');
    var wk = require('/QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/node_modules/itoolkit/lib/iwork');
    var nt = require('/QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/node_modules/itoolkit/lib/inetwork');

    to the following:

    var xt = require('itoolkit');
    var wk = require('itoolkit/lib/iwork');
    var nt = require('itoolkit/lib/inetwork');

    That makes me wonder whether your problems stem from a global, outdated install of itoolkit? You could start from scratch in a new folder and install the itoolkit locally and run your samples again to check whether the global itoolkit module is the culprit.

    If that not helps I would check the IBM i server for updates - both the normal group PTF's and the programs in /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin. My versions of node and npm are

     node -v
     npm -v

    If your versions are lower, then you should update and start your test project from scratch as mentioned above.


    Best regards, Christian

  9. Brian Jerome reporter

    The global install is the version that matches the npm package master.

    -bash-4.4$ npm -g list | grep itoolkit
    +-- itoolkit@0.1.3

    Installing it locally gave the same version.npm.

    I've decided to use the idb-pconnector to make the SQL calls and QXMLSERV instead since I already had that set up from working on it. I'll just use the iPgm to write the xml.

    Thanks for your assistance.

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