Portuguese chars error

Issue #18 resolved
António Ramos created an issue

hello i´m querying my iseries with idb-connector but when i have a record with this field PORCELANA P/MAÇARICO DE IGNIÇ." i get returned this instead



thank you and please help me solve this issue otherwise i have to use ugly java code...

thank you

my relevant code var db2i = require("idb-connector"); var dbconn = new db2i.dbconn(); dbconn.setConnAttr(db2i.SQL_ATTR_DBC_SYS_NAMING, db2i.SQL_TRUE); dbconn.conn("*LOCAL", "XXX", "XXX"); // connect to local database var stm = new db2i.dbstmt(dbconn); let query="select * from lib.table"; stm.exec(query, function (result) { res.send(result) stm.close() console.log(...); }) etc...