DB2 for i ORM (i.e. ActiveRecord)

Issue #3 new
Aaron Bartell created an issue

We need to find a good ORM solution for Node.js on IBM i. Doing raw queries will inevitably be slower to develop and also more syntactically error prone.

The waterline package seems to be a promising one, though no DB2 for i adapter yet exists. Note there exists the sails-db2 adapter which is based on the ibm_db package. The ibm_db package will be of limited use because it is geared towards DB2 Express-C and if history of creating the ibm_db adapter for Ruby on i says anything there will need to be a separate adapter written for DB2 for i.

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Is this still an issue? With the IBM-backed LoopBack framework and the community-delivered connector for DB2 for i, has this requirement changed or been eliminated?

  2. Aaron Bartell reporter

    I think the community-delivered connector for DB2 for i needs more testing in the wild. And that's just one ORM. Would be good to get Waterline in the fold also.

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