error when executing <vispr server results/*.vispr.yaml>

Issue #22 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello! I'm new to MAGECK VISPR and I was using tutorials from the bitbucket page of Liu lab instructions for a test MAGECK VISPR run. I was able to proceed all the way until the execution of the the command snakemake --cores 5. This command is executed successfully. Then When I execute the command vispr server results/*.vispr.yaml, this error popped up(attached as a screen shot). Would you have any suggestions on fixing the bug? Thanks in advance!

Comments (4)

  1. narinari1

    Dear Wei Li,

    I also have the same problem. Could you please give your advices for solving the problem?

    Thank you for your help,


  2. Wei Li

    It's because of the update of the new pandas package version 0.20. We fixed it and conda should update soon to apply this fix. At the same time, you can downgrade pandas using the following command: conda install pandas=0.19.2

    Then run vispr and you should have no problem. Best,

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