Error on rule fastq: outputs of incorrect type

Issue #52 new
Former user created an issue


I downloaded the configured workflow and encountered the following error (which I also had when using my own data: ImproperOutputException in line 31 of /mageck-vispr/esc-testdata/Snakefile: Outputs of incorrect type (directories when expecting files or vice versa). Output directories must be flagged with directory(). for rule fastqc: results/qc/esc1_0 Removing output files of failed job fastqc since they might be corrupted: results/qc/esc1_0 [Errno 66] Directory not empty: 'results/qc/esc1_0'

The log file ends as follows:

INFO @ Mon, 14 Jan 2019 20:34:51: Loading Rnw template file: /Users/kbalbosa/miniconda3/envs/mageck-vispr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mageck/fastq_template.Rnw.

I am using conda 4.5.12 and updated mageck-vispr prior to running.

Thank you for your support,

Karina Barbosa

Comments (4)

  1. Rishabh Gupta

    Facing the same issue.

    To get past this, I just run the command “snakemake --cores num_of_threads” again and it starts working fine


    Conda: 4.6.14

    Mageck-VISPR: 0.5.4

  2. Catherine

    I uninstalled snakemake version 5.2 and installed version 5.1.5 and it seems to work now, but there’s no mageck_count job in it now, not sure if I screwed up or what.

    pip3 uninstall snakemake
    pip3 install -Iv snakemake==5.1.5
  3. Johnny Tkach

    Same issue here. Re-running snakemake does not help. Also commented on issue #57 - same as this one.

    Any help appreciated,


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