negative control sgRNA list error

Issue #2 new
Qingcai Meng created an issue


when I ran Megake mle function from the demo(PAGE 769 of NP paper), it showed several time this error “ Gene ITIH6 consists of both negative controls (2) and non-negative controls (2). This is not allowed -- please check your negative control sgRNA list. “ When i delete this gene, many other genes have been showed with error too, any suggestion?



Comments (2)

  1. Wubing Zhang


    From the error message, I suspect you didn’t include all sgRNAs targeting the negative control genes in the negative control sgRNA list. So could you regenerate your negative control sgRNA list and retry?


  2. Qingcai Meng reporter

    Hi Wubing,

    Thanks for your reply. The list was from your paper demo, I just try to run and learn this method (beginner for data analysis). I used your demo files (designmatrix.txt, nonessential_ctrl_sgrna_list.txt, rawcount.txt) under the folder of ‘’mageck_mle”, from the zip file “demo.tar.gz”, these files are kindly provided by you. Could you run it from your side to see whether you also have this error come up?


    (Btw, I use this code to activate Mageck and run follow your papers’ code in a mac terminal:

    1. conda activate mageckenv
    2. mageck mle --count-table rawcount.txt --design-matrix designmatrix.txt --norm-method control --control-sgrna nonessential_ctrl_sgrna_list.txt --output-prefix braf.mle)



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