Reload (Refresh) Problem

Issue #20 new
Former user created an issue

i need to refresh calender when i appending new values to the calender...

currently what happening is when i load first time the values are appending but when want load different data into the calender at that time it is not loading.

i have tried with clear and clear all option then also new values are not appending..

Comments (3)

  1. Aaron Peterson

    Need to look into the timing. I assumed a common use case would be requesting events from a REST service in onMonthChange but it appears you must wait 500ms or so before running 'edit' command with the newly received events.

  2. Aaron Peterson

    I am curious, did you fetch the month's events in onMonthChange or were all the month's events already loaded? My intention was to fetch events in onMonthChange. Not sure if this issue is related to animation as I haven't looked at the widget code, yet. I wrapped it in an angular directive and it appears to be working well except for this one issue.

  3. Meher Krishnakanth Tennety

    Hi Aaron.Does your issue resolved ? I have the same problem. My client with wipro is asking this change.

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