Prev and Next button not working as expected

Issue #38 resolved
Zeon Trevor Fernando created an issue

Suppose the time was set as the current month (june) and year (2015) during initialization.

After I set the month and year of the calendar using $('#calendar').responsiveCalendar('2014-02')

On clicking the prev and next buttons it navigates to the month relative to the time which was set initially for the above example, on clicking prev it goes to 2015-01 and next navigates to 2015-03. Which is different from what I expect (2014-01 for prev) and (2014-03 for next).

Was this designed to be this way or is it a bug?

Comments (4)

  1. Lukasz Kokoszkiewicz repo owner

    Thanks for this, it's a major bug and I will fix it as soon as I can. Most probably today.

  2. Zeon Trevor Fernando reporter

    I was able to fix the issue by just setting the currentYear variable within the setMonth method.

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