OnActiveDayClick event

Issue #55 new
Former user created an issue

Hi, first of all thank you for your calendar and all descriptions. But I can't solve how to use OnActiveDayClick event. :)

For example, for 3 days in a month we have different events. And when I click one of that active days, I want to see related events end of the calendar.

But for the first step, I can't see anything click related event with day when I click the day. And second, how I can see them end of the calendar

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
 time: '2016-02',
 events: {
 "2016-02-07": {"number": 3, "dayEvents": [
          "name": "Important meeting",
          "hour": "17:30" 
          "name": "Morning meeting",
          "hour": "08:15" 
          "name": "Concert",
          "hour": "22:00" 
            "2016-02-17": {"number": 1,}, "dayEvents": {
            "name": "Important meeting","hour": "17:30"
            "2016-02-27": {"number": 1, "dayEvents": 
            {"name": "Important meeting","hour": "17:30"
            onActiveDayClick: function(events) {
              <!--I can't figure out what I have to write here-->

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