IGBF-1090, branch IGBF-1090-b, save graph data from all loaded chromosomes

#552 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in IvoryBlak/integrated-genome-browser/IGBF-1090-b (pull request #552)

84ea092·Author: ·Closed by: ·2017-09-11


  • Edited ExportFileAction to include an 'else if' statement specifically for saving graph files that allows Wiggle to print out data from multiple chromosomes. Edited Wiggle to be able to accept the variables being passed in from ExportFileAction, and created a new header for .bedgraph files.

  • Modified ExportFileAction to only save the desire dataset while still saving all loaded data from all chromosomes.

  • Modified exportFile function so the annotation section and the graph section are more directly parallel, without being redundant.

  • Added comments in Wiggle specific to changes made in IGBF-1090

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