Fixing contig name error in ProtAnnot window title

#611 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in anhmoss/integrated-genome-browser/IGBF-1308-ProtAnnotWindowTitle (pull request #611)

5f1a2bd·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-07-24


I found the code that was affecting the title of the ProtAnnot window, which was adding 'chr' as a prefix to any title that did not already start with 'chr'. This was an issue because not all titles started with the lowercase prefix 'chr', so it was appearing twice 'chrChr1' in chromosome titles. Other genomes, such as the blueberry genome, have scaffolds titled as 'scaffold00001'. Others are contigs, and etc. I fixed this error by deleting the code that was adding this prefix.


Thank you.

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