Transaction report

Issue #298 closed
Javier Alay created an issue

Hello LotGroup,

For the transaction report that were developed for us, we need to do some changes on it. The current report has all information ok, but we required that the information by card stays in a single row. The current report has a row for the entry information, a row for refill information and a row for exit information by the same card. We need only 1 row by card containing the entry, refill and exit information. In this report must be only the cards that were paid and has already exit from parking lot. An example is shown in attachment

Comments (10)

  1. Dima Dima

    For this report it is not clear on what date to select and what to do if there were several payments?

  2. Javier Alay reporter

    The idea of a transaction report is that it must be an add to the encashment report of the cashier. So a transaction is any paymant (Can be paymant of zero) of a card at the cashier. For every paymant (transaction), the following information must be for every transaction:

    For single use cards: - Entry date is the date and time when a person receives the card from the stand - Refill date is the date and time when the card is paid at the cashier - Exit date is the date and time when the card is received from the exit stand

    Due that multiusage cards and subscribe cards don't always make payments when they entry to a parking lot, a transaction will be every time they exit the parking lot. The information that every transaction must have is the following:

    For multiusage and subscribe cards: - Entry date is the date and time when passes at the entry stand - Refill date is the date and time when the card is paid at the cashier if there was a payment during the time the card was inside the parking lot - Exit date is the date and time when the card passes at the exit stand

    So, for several paymants will be several transactions.

    If you have any question let me know

  3. Dima Dima

    Date of entry, date of payment and exit date may vary by many days. By what date do select by date range?

  4. Javier Alay reporter

    The date to select in range must be the date of payment

    The transaction number to show will be the payment transaction

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