Админка. Претензионный центр, не выехавшие автомобили.

Issue #552 invalid
Ihor Bielykh created an issue

Also, we have a doubt: imagine that the electricity fails in the city, the equipment has battery backup, but imagine electricity fails several hours and there are people inside the parking. What people in parking lot do is receive payments manually calculating a fix tariff. But there is going to be cards that would remain inside the parking lot. Is there a way, after the electricity run again, that we can “take out” those cards using the software? We can do that in CardEditor by editing the contracts but our client wants a solution in case that we can’t go in the moment to re program the cards
A solution that I thought was to install the cashier software in the server to simulate a cashier, so they can simulate the payment and simulate the exit by going to the exit, using some metal to simulate a vehicle and take out all cards. But that’s a solution that takes a lot of time and blocks the exit so others cars can go out

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