Discount report

Issue #559 closed
Javier Alay created an issue

Hello Lotgroup,

We are attaching an example about what we would need for the discount report. Basically has the same information of the current report with another order and some extra information per transaction.

This example is based assuming a tariff of 5.00 each 30 minutes, and assuming 3 discounts as following: - Discount 1: Name: Shop A Value: 30 minutes - Discount 2: Name: Shop B Value: 30 minutes - Discount 3: Name: Shop C Value: 60 minutes

The report has the following data: Date Card number Service type Sum before discount (Tariff calculation without discount) Discount name (Name of the discount created by user) Discount type (If the discount is minutes, % or GTQ)

of discount applied (How many discounts of that type where applied to that card)

Discount amount (How many minutes, % or GTQ is the value of that discount) Total discount (Total of discount, result from multiplying # of discount applied * discount amount) Sum after discount (Tariff calculation with the discount)

At the end of the report we would need the calculation of the total discount amount. When different types of discounts are applied then order the table by discount type and show the total discount amount per type.

It's important for our client to have this report and another report the same as this but filtered by discount name, showing only the discounts applied by one name so the client can generate a report to see all discounts applied of Shop A, another report with all discounts applied of Shop B, etc.

If you have any doubt feel free to ask.


Comments (9)

  1. Javier Alay reporter

    Thanks for the report, we will be using this reports and let you know if we have an issue.

  2. Javier Alay reporter

    Yes, thanks, we already have uploaded two to the parking lot database, today I'll be uploading and testing the last one called "IssuedDiscountsByTypes"

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