Activation of two loops

Issue #574 closed
Javier Alay created an issue

Hello Lotgroup,

We are having the issue that, when a car is at the exit stand, if the car has large front, it activate both arming and closing loop when he is placing a card to exit the parking lot. If this happens, after the car passes and the closing loop is deactivated, then the stand don't send the closing signal to the barrier.

Can you please also make possible that the stand recognize the two loops activation when a car insert a card into the stand, and after the stand stop sensing presence at closing loop, then the stand sends the signal to the barrier to close it?

Thanks in advance.


Comments (10)

  1. Radchenko Pavel

    Необходимо понять что происходит со стойкой. Стойка выпустила машину и произошла проблема закрытия шлагбаума или она продолжает вести проезд машины, в то время как следующая перекрыла обе петли? Надо смотреть логи. Надо смотреть что у стойки на экране.

  2. Oleg Moiseenko

    Javier, may you show a time when it have happened? We look at logs. And this situation happens than only 1 car enters/leaves the parking? or there are several cars in queue?

  3. Javier Alay reporter

    We don't have a record when this happens, but we can now take note of the cars that activate at the same time the loops.

    This situation happens both: when there are cars in queue and when there is only one car trying to exit.

    This is happening only at exit, and this is because the distance between both loops is short, we didn't have enough space to put them at the recommended distance. This is why we are not having this problem at entry.

    Because this is happening at the exit, the problem is that, if a car activates both loops at the same time, and it exits, the car behind can not exit the parking lot because the stand is waiting for a activation and deactivation again of the second loop. The solution we are giving to this now is to use some metal to simulate a car, and activate and deactivate the closing loop, so the stand sends to the barrier the signal to close.

  4. Radchenko Pavel

    Безусловно машина которая перекрывает выездную петлю стоя за шлагбаумом это не правильно. Стойка никогда не будет подавать правильные сигналы водителю. Надпись на экране во время проеза будет please wait, что безусловно может путать водителя. Однако судя по перекрытым петлям, водитель не должен бы был ее видеть. Это исправлено не будет. Убрано ожидание наезда на выездную петлю если во время простоя за шлагбаумом выездная петля перекрыта, думаю это будет эффективно.

  5. Javier Alay reporter

    It was resolved by changing the sensibility of the loop detection, moving and re designing the exit loop.

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