Date at discount report by type

Issue #575 closed
Javier Alay created an issue

Hello Lotgroup,

We have notice that to generate the discount report by type, we need to place a date after the current date so we can have information.

For example, if we want to generate the report of today's discounts, we have to place today's date from 0:00 to 23:59. But if we do that there is no information. We have to place the date from today 0:00 to tomorrow 23:59 so the report shows the information.

Can you please check and make some tests?

Thanks in advance.


Comments (6)

  1. Ihor Bielykh

    @dlychman Ты бы отчет приложил, или написал на каком компьютере проверять.

  2. Dima Dima

    Извини. я думал будет понятно. Я залил на сервер Гватемалы исправленный отчет. На всякий случай приложу здесь

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