Subscription Reports not working

Issue #580 resolved
Cesar Lopez TAS GT created an issue

Hello Lotgroup team.

We recently tested the SubscriptionEnd and SubscriptionRefill with our client and they are not working properly. They don´t show the refills nor the end of the subscriptions. The cards don´t appear on both cases.

Can you please help us with that. This reports are important to our client so they can manage their monthly users.

Thanks in advance. Best regards, Cesar

Comments (26)

  1. Dima Dima

    What I see on the Database - there are no replenishments of reusable cards. Only single use. Accordingly, the reports show nothing.

  2. Cesar Lopez TAS GT reporter

    Hello Dima.

    The refills of subscribers we tested at our office, that has the same version of parking software as our installed site. Today I made a test with card No. 14. Made a refill and then consulted the SubsciptionRefill report and no event appeared. Attached are 2 photosgraphs (refill at cashier and report with no information).

    Regarding the SubscriptionEnd report... if we see that report at the office´s server it is ok, but if I generate it from the parking site no information appears. What we did differenty is this: at the office we first formatted the card and assigned a Wallet contract on Card Editor, then from Parking Settings we changed the contract to a subscription one, and finally we made refills from the Cashier. On the parking site we formatted and assigned a Wallet contract on Card Editor, then changed the contract to a subscritption one from Parking Settings and finally edited the end date of the contact via Card Editor, no refill was made via the cashier.

    Best regards, Cesar

  3. Ihor Bielykh

    Hello Cesar. I saw data in the database, and you had only 1 refill. Can you say me some details about the refill, what date time? or CardNumber?

    I saw what contracts you had with type subscription. Contracts_Subscribe.jpg

  4. Cesar Lopez TAS GT reporter

    Hello Igor, thanks for the follow up. Yes, we only did one refill today, but the card was indeed a subscription card. I sent an image when the refill was made so you didn´t see the valid period. I´m sending you now an image before the refill (old valid period) and other after the refill was made (new valid period). The refil was made on card No. 14, at 9:28 am server time and an amount of 500 GTQ.

    Please let me know if you need any more information. Best regards,


  5. Cesar Lopez TAS GT reporter

    Hello Igor, we made some tests today at the office. Attached is a presentation of the tests and some pictures of the reports generated.

    Best reards, Cesar

  6. Dima Dima

    мы или говорим о разных БД. или я чего то не понимаю. я сегодня еще раз скачал БД. там ничего не поменялось

  7. Ihor Bielykh

    Да, тебя нету в телеграме. Устанавливай. И буду тебя добавлять в чат. в БД офиса действительно старый отчет.

  8. Ihor Bielykh

    Hello TAS, I checked your databases and saw you have an old wrong report. I attach correct report. But I see subscribe transactions at your office DB and don't see them at parking site DB.

  9. Ihor Bielykh

    I attached the correct report, pls replace them via ParkingSettings, you need to delete an old report, and import that.

  10. Cesar Lopez TAS GT reporter

    Hello Igor. As we talked today... the way our client works now is the following: The client has a list in excel with all the monthly clients. These clients make a deposit at the bank paying the monthly cost within the 5 first days of the month. They send the copy of the receipt to the parking lot administrator. By the end of day 5, the administrator checks which monthly client hasn´t paid and blocks all the cards that have not made the payment of the renewal. If a client wants to renew the monthly contract and unblock their card, they pay the monthly cost at the bank, send the copy of the receipt to the administrator and then pay them an unblock fee. The administrator then unblocks the card. the card´s validity here is always the calendar month, in other words from the first day to the last day of the month. If they payed the 10th day of the month their card will be valid until the last day of that same month... not to the 10th day of the following month.

    That is why we manually assign the end date to the cards via the Card Editor. The client does not have access to Card Editor, if they need new cards we go there.

    We have been convincing the client to work via the Cashier but at the moment haven´t been succesfull, we now that is a better way with more control.

    We were thinking that you could get the end date via the exit stations, we now that currently you display that end date in the exit stand´s display. You could always send it to the DB and make an update, if that was the first time the card passess through the exit stand then the card could be created with card number, type of contract, and end date.... then you should only check the contract and if it is the sme just update the end date.

    Thanks. Regards, Cesar

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