Parking Information, Cars Out Bug

Issue #602 resolved
Cesar Lopez TAS GT created an issue

Hello Lot.

We are testing the Parking Information feature and see that in the exit section (Cars Out) more than one exit gets shown... in other words, not just the last exit gets shown. We need the Cars Out section to work the same as the Cars In section that only shows the last entry event.

Best regards, Cesar

Comments (9)

  1. Cesar Lopez TAS GT reporter

    Hello Dima / Vyacheslav.

    We tested the new ParkingSettings. Now it is just showing the last exit. However it shows the last exit regardless if the card is in. If the Card is inside the Parking lot it shouldn´t display the last exit in the Cras Out section. Attached is an image.

    Best regards,


  2. Cesar Lopez TAS GT reporter
    • changed status to open

    Cesar: Please check the new comment regarding showing the last exit when the card is inside the parking lot.

  3. Cesar Lopez TAS GT reporter

    Thanks Dima, great, it works ok now. You can put this issue as Resolved.

    Best regards,


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