Change 'created' cases to 'queued', 'on hold', 'awaiting authorisation' or 'rejected'

Issue #22 resolved
Lowmanio repo owner created an issue

When the authoriser process is added in; a case when submitted will be 'awaiting authorisation'; which then will be 'rejected' or 'queued'. 'queued' will put it into the case manager's queue to then 'open' the case. Once 'open'; the case manager or the requester can put the case 'on hold' [with justification] which will pull the tasks from investigators current queues and will not affect their metrics. This can be activated back to 'open'.

Comments (1)

  1. Lowmanio reporter

    Resolved. Cases now need authorisation from another user in the authoriser group. They are immediately "pending" and then go to "rejected" or "created" where the case manager can then "open".

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