Execution of shell scripts

Issue #55 new
forensicteam created an issue

Hiee, Thank you so much for such a great tool, for a handy purpose on forensic cases. But there seems to be a bug of shell script if any user puts a simple script while adding the case (particularly in case background box and case justification box) as shown in Screenshot 1. The case gets submitted and case id is being assigned as shown in Screenshot 2. But when the case is opened for viewing, the script gets executed as shown in Screenshot 3 & 4. It is requested if ant changes has to be made in any of the files of foreman may be informed. Awaiting for your reply

Comments (3)

  1. Lowmanio repo owner

    Thanks for reporting the issue, I'll have a look. I do want users to be able to add in some html, e.g. bullet points, bold/italics etc; but obviously not allow any javascript!!!

  2. forensicteam reporter

    Thank you, soo much for replying me back.... i have gone through little into the coding pages, where you have given UnicodeString for the user input during writing case description.

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