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Parsimonious Vole is a simplified systemic functional parser.


Pthon libraries:


The input to PV are the dependency parses produced by Stanford Parser. Currently 2 formats are supported: the XML or STP. The XML file can be produced either by running Stanford parser locally or from online demo version here. The STP file can be generated with, see example below.

Specify path to Stanford Parser in the environment variable "STANFORD_PARSER_HOME". Alternatively you can edit and specify the path to it.

  • Generating the input file:
    from magic.parse.stanford_parser import 
    # generates the STP file next to the TXT file
  • Generating a nice HTML with Mood Constituency Graphs:

from usage import output_analisys_of_parse_bundle_to_file
output_file = "path/to/output.html"
input_file = "path/to/input.stp"
# generates the HTML file with analysis result
output_analisys_of_parse_bundle_to_file(output_file, input_file)
* Generating CSV file for OCD related research:

This is a command line tool which generates a CSV file with OCD related analysis for all STP/XML files located in a given directory. The script file( is located in usage package and it takes exactly one argument - the path to the folder containing the STP/XML parses (the Stanford Parser output).

python path/to/input.stp

  • Mood Parsing:

from magic.guess.mood import test_mood_graph
sentence_id = 1
path_to_stp_input_file = "/path/to/input.stp"
correct_the_input_file = True
mcg = test_mood_graph(sentence_id, path_to_stp_input_file, correct_the_input_file )
  • Transitivity Parsing:
from magic.guess.transitivity import parse_transitivity_from_mood_graph
# enriching the MCG with transitivity features
res = parse_transitivity_from_mood_graph(mcg)


If you are in development mode I recommend using Eclipse IDE together with PyDev plugin a plugin for Python.

Future Developments

  • add WSD by PyWSD
  • add TempEx alignment


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