Duplicating invoice increments with an already existing number - s-Invoice version "Created with 1.8.4"

Issue #118 closed
Luc De Ribeiro created an issue


I’m invoicing to different customers each month.

When duplicating an invoice for one customer the number increments N+1 but the resulting invoice number already exist on an invoice for another customer.

Cordialement, best regards, schéi Gréiss,

Luc De Ribeiro

Comments (3)

  1. Luc De Ribeiro reporter


    Sorry, this is not a request it’s a bug.

    I mean the duplicated invoice is created with a number that is already reserved by an existing invoice.

    It should be created with an available number.

    Cordialement, best regards, Schei Greiss,

    Luc De Ribeiro

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