Not able to inport

Issue #80 resolved
Former user created an issue


I just bought a new Notebook and have installed invoice Versie 1.8.4 (1.8.4). I made a backup on my old notebook but i don't now to import it on my new notebook

Can you explain me please, I like to program very much

Comments (3)

  1. lubo08 repo owner

    Hello. In the backup folder, you should find a .zip file with the backup data. Just choose to import this zip file in the import section on a new computer. In case you do not have activated import, export section and you do not create .zip file. Just copy .db files from the data path databases folder into the new computer into data path databases and override existed except for setup.db. Please do not copy the setup.db file as this file contains computer-specific information like where are paths etc.

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